Pet Peeves -(Part 2) Inappropriate Urination
Imagine being in a rush and slipping on our favorite shoes only to find it soiled with urine or relaxing after a hard day’s work in our favorite couch, bed , or just as you are putting on your fresh pajamas your are assaulted by the scent and dampness of your kitty’s urine. We explore more reasons behind inappropriate urination, in this installment and look at the reasons behind inappropriate urination on our items, specifically on items saturated by our scent. This is despite kitty using their litter box.
Remember should kitty stop using the litter box, it hints at a different issue than what is covered here.
If kitty is seen going to the litter box at hourly intervals and or is making noises whilst at the box, it is imperative to immediately take it to the vet. We will explore the medical issues associated with inappropriate urination in later installments of this series. For now, lets look at why our kitties have it out for our stuff.
Your cat doesn’t hate you.
Contrary to how you may feel,
cats soil their owners items due to other reasons.
The take away from this is that they have accepted you as their human
This behavior is deliberate, outside of stress and anxiety, it is driven by their desire to meld their scent with yours. It is especially an issue with men/ boys as the scent of human testosterone is especially “attractive” to our kitty so more often than not, you’ll see them soil their pawpy’s items or your teenage son’s stuff instead of their meowmy’s.
We can’t “smell” testosterones but cats have a much keener sense of smell. Cat use scent to communicate. Everything from rubbing against you, head butting , kneading or licking, transfers their scent onto you. You are now a carrier for its message when you go out into the world. You may not be able to read the message but other animals have no issue deciphering what your kitty is trying to say.
Not long ago a young child got badly mauled by their( Family pet) intact male cat after coming home from the playground and petting an intact stray that was at the playground, the child was hospitalized and needed no less than 14 stitches on his face, hands and legs.
If your kitty is not neutered it is important to do so. As these scents may trigger a very primal fight or flight response and misdirected aggression may occur. It is also important to check that the litter box is clean when such behavior is exhibited. It is highly recommended to have more litter boxes and a variety of mediums for your litter boxes( in various locations of the home, if you have more than 1 kitty). The variety and number of boxes ensure that you cat has access to a litter box in a spot that it is comfortable using. (On a side note did you know certain types of litters and multiple boxes help prevent the transmission of feline coronavirus and FIP)
Assuming that litter boxes are clean and kitty is calm and happy, the next step in preventing these unwelcomed surprises are simply to ensure items are kept away where possible. Choose an enclosed laundry bin, keep shoes in shoe cabinets and close the room whenever you are not around.
This is in a bid to break the habit and reduce the intensity of your scent. Remember, a cat communicates with other cats mainly by scent and their words whilst invisible and undiscernible to us are read loud and clear to other animals. This is one of the reasons cats immediate use clean litter boxes. They are staking their claim in it, in addition to the pleasantness of a clean toilet.
( Did you know cats only “talk” or meow to non cats?)
Sleeping in your wardrobe
Your cat is transferring its scent onto your clothes whilst getting comfort by being around your scent.
Here are some hacks that will make your items less attractive to your kitty to use as a message board and, as a bonus , allows for you to have cleaner belongings and a tidier home.
Periodically spray the interior of your shoes with Isopropyl alcohol, it dries out your shoes and kills scent.
You may also try sneaker balls when you are keeping your shoes for the weekend of after a game.
Wash your laces socks and exercise equipment promptly.
Sweat carries with it many chemical markers that compel your kitty to mask with their own scent.
The stronger your scent on a fabric the more compelling it is, rubbing itself against your items may seem insufficient for your kitty leaving it with no option but to cover it in their strongest smelling arsenal.
Add baking powder, or vinegar to your pre wash cycle and wash your laundry in warm water. This helps break down oils and naturally deodorizes the fabrics. If your kitty has soiled the item it is always best to spritz it down with hydrogen peroxide before throwing it in the wash.
Opt for mint soaps or shampoos, it is lowers testosterone levels hopefully enough so that kitty doesn’t feel compelled to advertise themselves on your belongings or mask your scent with theirs.
Draw your curtains and allow the sun to do its work, sterilizing and deodorizing surfaces with it UV rays.
Throw out fabric softeners. In addition to coating your laundry with scents that may mimic hormones or irritate the delicate noses of your cat, it prevents proper air flow, evaporation and sterilization by the sun .
Hopefully with all the above there will be less instances of soiling on your favorite or high use surfaces.
Stay tunned as we cover cover why our kitties soil floor rugs or other soft surfaces