

Siberian Cats are famous for their awareness, trainability and affectionate temperament.

Forming deep bonds with their owners, their genetically innate ability to understand social structure and emotional cues make them true companions. It is no wonder that they are said to be highly intelligent and dog like.

Siberians are known to be robust with no known genetic diseases and posses extremely low FEL D1 (allergens) levels .

Their glorious semi-long water resistant triple coat amplifies their magnificence and presence.

WinterForest is an intimate cattery where our cats have full roam of our home and grow up in a multi-pet and child friendly environment perfect for them to bloom into healthy, well-socialized companions.

Without compromising our companion’s lifestyle, we shower our cats and kittens regularly , feed a high quality diverse diet and ensure that they get all the love and cuddles that they deserve and desire.
Despite our cat allergies, our practices have enabled us to keep allergens low and live comfortably with all our cats and dog.

Being long time Siberian owners, we understand the joy that they bring and strive to match the most appropriate individual to our graduates. Although “hypoallergenic” , some adjustments may still be required for sensitive cat allergy sufferers to live comfortably around a Siberian.
Try as we may, there are no magical allergy proof cats/ pets.

We have poured through various studies to understand that there is a strong correlation between genetic diversity, allergen levels and strong immune system.

A genetically diverse line is generally more robust with a higher probability of healthy hypoallergenic cats. Studies have also observed that lighter colored, neutered Siberians tend to result in less reactions.

There has been insufficient evidence to support that extremely hypoallergenic parents produce extremely hypoallergenic kittens.

If you are suffer from cat allergies and love cats, contact us to find out more about our matching methods and find a suitable graduate to meet your lifestyle or allergy levels


Siberians come in a variety of colours with varying semi-long coat lengths and textures.

The first Siberians that set the breed’s standard were color-points .

Color-point Siberians are a crucial part of the Siberian cat heritage and formation.

True Siberian kittens are extremely difficult for most to differentiate. They experience a number of awkward growth phases before looking like the magnificent cats they grow into.

This results in such a diversity in looks, giving rise to the opportunity where unknowing pawrents end up being shortchanged of the Siberian experience by unscrupulous individuals attempting to meet the incredible demand for this truly charming breed.

The only way to ascertain that you truly have a Siberian is from their pedigree and integrity of the cattery you select to work with.
There are no outcrosses( mixes/ hybrids) allowed in the breed. As this results in the complete loss of the breed’s special qualities

Contrary to most beliefs, when offered a quality diet, a Siberian cat’s coat is relatively fuss free, being semi-long haired, outside of blowing season, they shed less than a short hair and a good brushing once a week keeps most matts away.

Siberian cats are truly unique with many dog owners becoming Siberian Cat owners and Cat owners adding one Siberian after another once they have had the pleasure of living with one.

If you have had the opportunity to interact with a Siberian cat, it’s easy to understand the choice to feature them in high fashion magazines like Tatler & Vouge (our cats have been featured in product placements and fashion magazines), as well as being carried about on runways. Siberians have also stared in major movies (Nine Lives).

A balanced, agile physique, trainability and excellent temperament propel them to stardom.

Their rarity adds to their mystique. Chances are you might have seen a Siberian Cat in print or the big screen and not realised it.

There is little accurate information written about them. The best place to get information about them are usually from a growing number of passionate Siberian owners forming groups on various social media sites.

Beware of unscrupulous backyard breeders lurking in these groups , they are constantly on the look out for inexperienced families and offer the promise of a “cheap'“ Siberian.
This may seem very attractive but a cheap kitten is achieved from certain practices that enable breeders to reduce costs and produce more kittens, cashing in on the high demand and long waitlists.
The effects of such practices may be seen eventually in your kitten’s health, social skills and veterinary bills.

Our social media page (WinterForestSiberians) features our kings and queens living it large at home. We rarely post up kitten photos to prevent misappropriation of our pics.

WinterForest is Registered as a Ethical Breeder with T.I.C.A as well as C.F.A.

We are not affiliated to WinterForest registered with W.C.F.

Our graduates maybe found in many countries including, but not limited to Singapore, United Kingdom, Australia & America

Listed as a ethical Cattery, WinterForest plans our litters and has strict vetting in place to ensure that our graduates will be well cared for. We continue to have close supportive relationships with our graduates pawrents well after they have gotten their Siberian kitten.

Siberians are unlike your average cats, our continuous relationships with our pawrents sets the ground for our graduates to benefit from our experience and knowledge.

Being physically larger and broader than your average cat, with a craving for relationships, a Siberian cat is truly unique.

Esteemed registered catteries enforce strict controls to ensure that the breed is well preserved and represented.

Most catteries have a distinct persona helmed by their breeder’s ethics and beliefs. Where possible, we encourage pawrents to work with a cattery located domestically to better establish a comfortable understanding of your requirements or support.

Patience and homework is always rewarded when searching for a Siberian. It is important to stay clear of unscrupulous individuals claiming to have Siberians. Such individuals pass off semi-long haired cats as a Siberian or Siberian mixes and capitalize on the good deal that you are getting.

Most catteries spay and neuter they graduates prior to leaving or enforce strict rules to ensure it is done.

Essentially a Siberian mix , is any cat that you may get from a shelter. It is better in such instances to adopt rather than being complicit in the dismaying conditions that these BYB keep or work their cats.

Should costs of a young kitten be prohibitive, Juveniles from reputable catteries are a good alternative. Unlike most breeds a Siberian does not reach maturity till age 4 or 5.

More information on such practices and the breed can be found on our blog


is the new Purfection”

— WinterForest