The WinterForest Difference

Precious from the Beginning

Legislation as well as disease management makes it impossible to visit our cattery. We understand that making the decision on which cattery to work with can be difficult. Finding a cattery to be your partner for the duration of your pet’s life spanning 18 or more years is not something anyone takes lightly.

WinterForest is a cage free cattery, our cats are highly social. This however means that we have to enforce strict visitor regulation and hygiene standards as any contagion could easy affect the entire cattery.

Our cats are on a varied commercial dry, wet as well as balanced raw and freeze dried raw diets.

We minimize and control our visitors to reduce the possibilities of contagion to maintain our FELV FIV Fecov Negative Status.
Fecov is a common feline virus that is easily contracted and difficult to eradicate. It may sometimes mutate with dire consequences. Our enhanced measure prevent your kittens from contracting the disease and lowers the odds of them contracting it in their early life.

WinterForest hopes that our website, references and our social media pages help convey our beliefs and values.
For more information on our beliefs and practices, please feel free to contact us as well as browse through our articles in Mews


A WinterForest Graduate makes a house a home.

The selection of prized individuals from reknown bloodlines is the first step in a long selection process for a WinterForest King or Queen.

Attention to finer details,

Socialization, nutrition and the continuous passion to improve drives us as we work to ensure each generation is better than the last.

Adopting better and newer best practices towards the excellence of the breed and an incredible companion

Check our Blog(Mews)for more articles and the latest information on the breed

Our Kings

Regional Winner

Supreme Grand Champion

Izum Snejnaya Zima

Our Resident King and absolute love bug.

Izum loves being cuddled and jumps readily into laps for a nice snooze.

Check out his page below

Rod Angel Neva

Rod our adventurous prince loves going out on walks and chasing birds.
He is the father of all our white graduates and is retired.
Living the good life with fellow graduate Hercules Luka

There are fewer than 5 catteries in the world with white Siberians

If you are considering a white Siberian, it would be best to read up on the challenges that you may face when caring for such an exquisite beauty.

Grand Champion
Jesinin Belami

Our Youngest King

Jes is a mellow loving therapy cat with fur the vibrant color of fall