The Siberian Cat - A truly unique breed

What started as a natural variety , the Siberian has adapted it’s natural behavior to become the deeply loved integral furmily it is today. Said to originate from Taiga in Siberia, they are known to be attentive, engaging and highly intelligent. Aptly described a dog in a cat’s body. They are uniquely dressed in a water resistant triple coat, able to withstand the harsh climates of hot and cold, dry or wet.

The breed is hardy with no known genetic diseases and have been scientifically tested to have lower FEL D1 levels making them suitable for mild cat allergy suffers.

The National cat of Russia, a Siberian is seen an a noble gift when presented to royalty and dignitaries.

Russians hold them in high regard and their contributions are mentioned in many Russian Folklore and fairy tales.

Their contributions to Russia are also commemorated with a park (Siberian cats Square in Tyumen) in Russia.

The breed dates back at least a thousand years and is sometimes known as the Moscow semi long hair or Neva Masquerade. Not every Russian cat is a Siberian but there are certain Russian breeds that may have Siberians in their early foundations before establishing their own identity.

Blue Lynx Point Siberian

Blue Lynx Point Siberian

Outside of Russia, Siberian cats are exceedingly rare. While it began as a natural variety, they have been selectively bred and pedigreed today.

Formally recognized , first by T.I.C.A 1996 and subsequently by C.F.A. IN 2006, early Siberians were varied in looks with the earliest standards published in 1987. Modern Siberians may not resemble their early ancestors as breeders have worked to achieve balance and symmetry to exhibit the best traits of the breed.

Siberians are bred to be balanced without angles.

The modern Siberian is misunderstood and is usually not well represented in articles, this is in part due to their rarity and in part due to the continuous refinement of the breed.

A typical male Siberian cat weighs 6 to 8kgs and females weigh 5 to 7kgs. They reach their full growth potential at age 4 to 5 and retain their kitten like antics till then. They are a rather long lived breed with one that is above 20 years old rocking his own Instagram account.

Every Siberian has a different personality. In general , it is widely accepted that they thrive on company and are affection and intelligent. Most love being with another pet or human and are known to follow their human around the home watching what they are doing and instilling themselves into everything.

The best way to get recent information of the breed is to join like minded forums with pedigree Siberian owners and breeders. When looking for a Siberian , if budget allows , work with a cattery that conforms to breed (Show) standard or reach out to a reputed cattery in your area.

Catteries may work differently , focusing on achieving different traits and they may have their own unique beliefs and style of care.

Always select from Reputed Registered Catteries, as they are governed by their association as well as their peers .


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